Margreeth Oosterhof Curriculum Vitea (1962)Velp, The Netherlands
1977 Second prize of the national drawingcompetition of Biotex (I have been informed about it on 16-2-1978)
1974-1980 Atheneum A
1980-1986 Academy of arts Academy Minerva, Groningen
M.Ed in Visual Arts an Art history, graduated in februari 1986
1986 By ballot admitted to Pulchri Studio, The Haque
1987 Nominated for the Jacob Hartogprize in Pulchri Studio
1987 Second prize of the national VVAA winelabeldesigncompetition 1987
1991 By ballot admitted to GBK, Arnhem (I terminated this membership in 2005)
1992 Cultural Encouragementprize of the town Rheden, Burgomaster De Bruin-prize
(jurymembers: Johan de Haas, Eugène Terwindt, Liesbeth Kraaypoel)
1994 Selected to take part in the Biennial Gelderland, exhibition in Nijmeegs Museum Commanderie van Sint-Jan
1997 A stamp designed for the book Brieven Onder Nummer,
a publication of GBK (ISBN 90 76187 02 9) about The Loveletter of Vermeer
1998 Purchase by the town Rheden (for their partake in a televisionprogram about art called
Avro Kunstblik, which has been on television 26/9/99)
1999 Purchase by CBK, Gelderland (where you can lend and buy art)
2001 Purchase by the town Rheden (for the municipal artcollection)
2003 Take part in the Artcalender 2003 with the local fine artists of the town Rheden
2006 In september: the publishing of a small monograph by 'de Alliantie'
1986-now Purchases by private persons and Businesses